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On Marty's 83d Birthday

A few minutes ago we brought our entire family together on Facetime in images (almost everyone, Liam had tech problems so we could only hear him) and words and good crack, as the Irish would say. ’Twas a 21st Century Engineering Miracle.

I know, Engineers don’t do miracles, but this hour and a half, four-way conversation in color didn’t cost us a penny and that is a miracle. I once called home from Ireland. It was about 1980 and I was charged $12.00 a minute. Now? Zero. Nothing. Have a good time, it's free.

The Kaufman’s, Zandra and Michael were on from Santa Cruz, CA, looking good at about 10AM their time and the Kroes family was on from Euroland at about 7pm their time including Liam from Amsterdam and the rest, Koos, Sean, and Amelia from Millingen a/d Rijn. All the resonances were positive! And here we were in South Carolina around noon happily sharing it all with everybody.

Turkey and stuffing were not necessary to celebrate this big communal, relationships day, Thanksgiving. We did put a special shine on the day ‘cause it is also Marty’s 83d. After spinning around the Sun 83 times, she got home from her work at Hospice just in time to hear the cheers and birthday wishes from our family across the planet. Now, she is preparing her most desirable feast: 1/2 pound lobster tails. Two of them. The turkey lived to see another day, and I’m very well taken care of.

Published on 22 November 2018

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